— Dr. Gerald Jampolsky
“You may have noticed that the airplane didn’t land, ” the pilot announced to the passengers. Of course they did. The plane came within a few feet of touching down on the Chicago runway and lifted off again. “That is because another plane was on the runway and there wasn’t room for both of us. ” Good thinking. “We’ll cir–cle around and land again in a few minutes. ” During that time, my friend Charley struck up a conversation with the couple sitting across the aisle. When John and Bari mentioned that they had just bought land in Hawaii, Charley told them that he and I were about to conduct a seminar there. Charley told them about my book and wished them well. At home in Boulder, John and Bari found my book, signed up for the seminar, dis–covered they had just enough frequent-flyer miles to make the trip, at–tended the program, had their lives change immensely, and moved to their property two miles from my home.
How marvelously Spirit orchestrates life! Who put Charley, John, and Bari next to each other on the aircraft? Why did that particular airplane have to abort its landing? How did their frequent-flyer award work out per–fectly? How does it all come together? Ah, the sweet mystery of God! If anyone sat down to try to maneuver the miraculous meetings and events in a lifetime, he or she would be boggled in an instant. Meanwhile, every day a billion synchronicities keep the great cogs and wheels of the uni–verse running flawlessly.
Heavenly Father, I bow before the mystery of Your wisdom. I
quit trying to manipulate life, and trust You to keep me in
my right place at the right time, meeting the right people
for the right purpose. Thank You for Your exquisite love.
I rejoice in the loving wisdom of God in my life.
This meditation is an excerpt from Alan Cohen's meditation book, A Deep Breath of Life.
This is really apropos. Thank you for sharing it.